Wrinkles and fine lines develop naturally as we age due to loss of collagen and elastin and repeated facial expressions, but did you know that the location of your wrinkles can also give clues about the health of our internal organs and emotions? In Chinese medicine, there are several ways we diagnose patients – feeling the pulse, looking at the tongue, inspecting the ears and looking at the face. In this blog, I will discuss the most common wrinkles and their hidden meaning.

Wrinkles between the eyebrows
Lines between the eyebrows (also known as “elevens”) may develop as a sign of liver or gallbladder dysfunction. The deeper the lines, the more severe the condition. Deeper wrinkles in this area may indicate a fatty liver or hardening of the liver, while more superficial lines indicate a more mild dysfunction or emotional disturbance. The emotions that cause lines between the eyebrows are: anger, frustration, irritability, annoyance or impatience. When these lines are extra long and reach to bridge of the nose, they are a sign of excessive worry and overthinking.

Diagonal Earlobe Crease
Did you know that Chinese medicine practitioners can diagnose a wide range of health conditions by simply looking at the ear? The ear is an amazing body part that directly reflects what is going on inside our internal organs. A diagonal crease on the earlobe indicates abnormal blood pressure and/or the risk of coronary heart disease. The deeper the crease, the more severe the risk and blockage of coronary arteries. In fact, an investigative study of 303 people demonstrated that diagonal ear creases were present in 72% of men and 67% of women in which the cause of death was due to cardiovascular disease (Kirkham et. al, 1989).

Lower Cheek Lines
Lines or hollow indentations in this area known as the "stress line" indicates chronic stress from constant overwork without rest, grief caused by not enjoying life and/or low self-esteem. People with these lines tend to hold their breath and have a weakened immune system. If you have these lines, you deserve a vacation!

Bags Under the Eyes
Eyebags develop as a result of liquid or mucus accumulating under the skin caused by kidney, bladder, or reproductive disorders. If a fatty, swollen appearance is seen, this indicates mucus or fat accumulation in the kidneys. Watery eyebags indicate swelling of the kidneys and frequent urination. Dark circles under the eyes may also indicate adrenal fatigue caused by lack sleep. Physical and mental overwork cause fatigue and brain fog in these people.

Vertical Lip Wrinkles
Vertical lines on the lips are caused by a decline in hormones and loss of sexual function. Additionally, these lines may also show up as a result of dehydration and excessive intake of salty foods.

Eye Wrinkles
Wrinkles around the eyes can have various meanings based on their location and direction. "Crow's feet" are lines that travel from the outer edge of the eye in an upward or downward direction. If these lines slant upwards, this is actually a good sign, meaning that you smile and laugh a lot! (Be proud of these wrinkles!) If these lines slant downwards; however, it has the opposite meaning - sadness and sorrow. Some people have both lines, indicating a lot of happy and sad times. Lines that travel diagonally upwards from under the outer edge of the eye towards the inner corner of the eye are caused by past physical or emotional pain.
To have a further assessment of your wrinkles and discover the natural ways you can improve them, contact our office today at 321-972-2940 and book your consultation!
Bridges, L. (2014). Face reading in Chinese medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier.
Kirkham, N., Murrells, T., Melcher, D. H., & Morrison, E. A. (1989, April). Diagonal earlobe creases and fatal cardiovascular disease: a necropsy study. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1216678/
Kushi, M. (2008). Your Body Never Lies: The Complete Book of Oriental Diagnosis. Garden City Park, NY: Square One.
Suen, L., Lau, Y., Ma, H., Lai, K., & Holroyd, E. (2012, December 24). Predictive Value of Auricular Diagnosis on Coronary Heart Disease. Retrieved from https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2012/706249/