Did you know that 80% of the population gets less magnesium than they need?! Magnesium, an electrolyte just like potassium, calcium, and sodium, is vitally important for cellular health as well as over 300 biochemical functions in the body!
Causes of Magnesium Deficiency
There are 4 reasons most people are deficient in magnesium:
poor nutrition
magnesium-depleting medications (such as antibiotics and diuretics)
soil depletion
gut problems (such as leaky gut or Crohn's Disease)
5 Signs of Magnesium Deficiency
Many people are magnesium deficient and aren't aware of it! Here are some key symptoms to look out for if you suspect you might have a magnesium deficiency:
1) Leg cramps
Magnesium plays an important part in muscle contraction and the signals transmitted between the brain and the body. Leg cramps and "charley horses" are the most common signs of magnesium deficiency.

2) Insomnia or chronic fatigue
Magnesium is vital to GABA function, a neurotransmitter that calms the brain and promotes relaxation. Studies in people with chronic fatigue showed that their symptoms improved significantly after receiving magnesium injections.
3) Migraines and other headaches
It's estimated that 50% of people suffering from migraines are magnesium deficient. In one study, magnesium administered by IV relieved migraine symptoms by 80% in 15 minutes or less.
4) Depression and anxiety
The GABA cycle doesn't only affect sleep! When the GABA cycle falters, side effects also include irritability and nervousness. If the deficiency continues, it can worsen into high levels of anxiety and (in extreme cases) hallucinations.
5) High Blood Pressure
Magnesium works alongside calcium to support proper blood pressure and maintain heart health. If you are low in magnesium, you are often also low in calcium and this can result in hypertension (high blood pressure).

Increasing Magnesium Through Diet and Supplements
Magnesium levels can be increased by introducing more of these foods into your diet:
Swiss chard
Pumpkin seeds
Dark chocolate
When you're deficient in magnesium, it can be difficult to balance your levels through diet alone! Supplements can help when taken in 300-500 mg doses daily. (Higher dosages can upset your stomach, so consult with your functional medicine practitioner first.)
Magnesium chelate bonds with amino acids and is highly absorbable by the body. Liquid magnesium is also easily absorbed by the body, and can come combined with other necessary electrolytes (such as Integrative Health's Liquid Calcium Magnesium, which replenishes both your calcium and magnesium levels) for maximum effect.
If you're part of the 80% living with a magnesium deficiency, you can start correcting it today! Call us at (321) 972-2940 for doctor-recommended magnesium supplements.
9 Signs You Have Magnesium Deficiency and How To Treat It. (September 13, 2014). Retrieved from https://draxe.com/9-signs-magnesium-deficiency/
Magnesium: An Invisible Deficiency That Could Be Harming Your Health. (January 19, 2015). Retrieved from https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/01/19/magnesium-deficiency.aspx