Frequently Asked Questions

Do acupuncture needles hurt?
Most people barely feel a thing when needles are inserted.
Some people feel a slight pinch, and others ask “Is it in yet?”
The reason acupuncture needles don’t give the painful sensation
you might expect is because they’re very, very thin in comparison
to the hypodermic needles used to give injections.
Did you know that nearly 40 acupuncture needles can fit
into the tip of one standard 18 gauge hypodermic needle?!
There are certain sensations associated with the
therapeutic effects of acupuncture including a slight dull
sensation, heaviness, tingling or electricity. Most patients
hardly feel any discomfort at all.
Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is very safe when practiced by a Licensed Acupuncture Physician. Licensed Acupuncture Physicians receive over 3,500 hours of extensive training vs. a “Certified Acupuncturist” or a practitioner certified in “dry needling” with only 100 hours of training. It is important to find a practitioner who is a nationally licensed Acupuncture Physician (NCCAOM) that knows the intricate system of Chinese medicine and can give you an extensive diagnosis and thorough treatment.
Acupuncture needles are extremely safe, because they are pre-sterilized, individually packaged, and disposable. Every practitioner receives extensive training in anatomy so as to avoid accidentally inserting a needle in a place that can cause damage.
What should I expect on my first visit?
During your first office visit, we spend time getting a complete picture of your health and lifestyle. We will ask questions about various functions, energy levels, emotional state, and specific symptoms you may have. We will evaluate your health and identify the underlying root cause(s) of your health problems using Chinese Pulse Diagnosis. Learn more about Pulse Diagnosis here!
After your evaluation, the doctor will recommend a customized treatment program specific to your needs. Treatment may consist of acupuncture, customized Chinese herbal medicine, functional medicine lab testing and/or nutrition.
How much does it cost?
Cost is dependent upon several factors, including how long you have had the condition(s) you are seeking treatment for, how many symptoms you have, and the type(s) and amount of treatments recommended to give you optimal results. Each patient is seen as a unique individual, and each treatment program is customized to fit your healthcare needs. After your initial evaluation, we will give you detailed pricing information. If you are interested in patient financing, click here to apply.
How often would I need to come in for treatment?
Acupuncture treatments are scheduled twice per week for the course of 3 months for chronic conditions and a total of 2-10 treatments for acute cases. If the condition is acute and painful, treatments may be given 2-3 times per week until the condition starts to come under control. The exact duration of treatment depends on the condition, your basic level of health, and how well you respond to acupuncture. Herbs are often prescribed to be taken in between treatments to address internal medical conditions and may be used on their own.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is a physical medicine that works with groups of blood vessels to improve blood flow in the body. If there is an obstruction of blood flow to a particular area of the body, that area of the body will be negatively affected, resulting in disease or malfunction. Acupunctures stimulates the body’s only way to heal – through blood flow. The blood contains all of the essential healing ingredients that the body can possibly produce. All of the analgesics (natural pain killers) of the body, anti-inflammatories, hormones, and oxygen are contained in the blood. Click here to learn more about acupuncture works.