Dr. Stephanie Bartolotti, DACM, AP, CFMP
Acupuncture | Chinese Herbal Medicine | Functional Medicine
Heal from the root the way nature intended.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Successfully Treats Kidney Stones
Acupuncture and Herbs Relieve Hay Fever
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Bronchitis More Effective than Drug
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Relieve Ulcerative Colitis
Traditional Chinese Medicine Beats Drug for Acid Reflux
Chinese Herbal Medicine for Infertility
Treating ADD & ADHD with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine Clears Candida Infections
10 Benefits of Grape Seed Extract
5 Signs of Magnesium Deficiency & How to Treat It
Clear Your Skin with Chinese Medicine!
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for IBS
How Traditional Chinese Medicine Treats Adrenal Fatigue
Vitamin D Deficiency is a Worldwide Epidemic
23 Benefits of Ashwagandha
Chaste Tree Berry Balances Hormones Naturally
13 Reasons to Use CBD Oil
How Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Can Enhance Male Fertility
CBD - A True Power House of Medical Benefits
Coconut’s Best Kept Secret: Monolaurin